Davidoff Nicaragua Box-Pressed Robusto is hand rolled with 100% Nicaragua tobaccos. A richer, more intense Nicaraguan Oscuro wrapper increasing the fiery spicy notes, together with the bold flavors of the filler and binder tobacco This dynamic box pressed format with its smooth draw result in a truly complex bittersweet palate stimulation. Davidoff Nicaraguan cigars and their bittersweet taste sensation are exceptionally paired with a semi-sweet rum such as Flor de Caña or a single malt whisky such as Bunnahabhain 12 Year.
Format: Robusto
Ring Gauge: 48
Length (in): 5″
Smoking Time: 50 minutes
Wrapper: Nicaragua Oscuro
Binder: Nicaragua Jalapa
Filler: Nicaragua
Strength: 3.5
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