This gorgeous Diadema format brings new peaks of palate stimulation with bold notes of white pepper, roasted coffee, and dark bitter chocolate. Forming a short cut to this format releases the aromas and flavors in a more pronounced manner while adding intensified bittersweet and spicy stimulation. Taste the intensity of Davidoff Nicaragua.
Davidoff Nicaraguan cigars and their bittersweet taste sensation are exceptionally paired with a semi-sweet rum such as Flor de Caña or a single malt whisky such as Bunnahabhain 12 Yea
- Format:
- Diadema
- Ring Gauge:
- 50
- Length (in):
- 6 1/2
- Smoking Time:
- 70 minutes
- Wrapper:
- Nicaragua Rosado
- Binder:
- Nicaragua Jalapa
- Filler:
- Nicaragua
- Strength:
- 4
- Rating Cigar Aficionado
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