
We are a family owned and operated company headquartered in Miami, Florida with agricultural and manufacturing facilities in Estelí, Nicaragua. As a vertically integrated cigar manufacturer, we control every process, from our agricultural operations

Doc James Cigars is your premier destination for the finest selection of premium cigars. Our Perdomo Cigars for sale online offer enthusiasts and novices alike an unparalleled experience. This is where luxury meets relaxation in every puff.

Our Exceptional Products

At Doc James Cigars, we take pride in curating a meticulously curated collection of the world’s most sought-after cigars. Perdomo Cigars stand as an example of excellence in craftsmanship and flavor. Founded by the legendary Nick Perdomo, this renowned brand is synonymous with quality, consistency, and innovation.

Our Products and Services

For those seeking to elevate their cigar collection at home in NY, Doc James Cigars offers Perdomo Cigars for sale, allowing you to bring the luxury of the lounge to your sanctuary. With our convenient online ordering platform, you can explore our selection of Perdomo Cigars from the comfort of your home and have them delivered straight to your door

Take a journey of discovery and delight, where every puff is a moment to remember. Explore our products and discover what we have to offer.

Showing 1–12 of 46 results

Showing 1–12 of 46 results