The My Father cigars makers wanted to add something unique to their cigar portfolio. They came up with the My Father The Judge Toro cigar, utterly different from their originals. Hand rolled in Esteli Nicaragua; the cigars have a different profile and vitola from their antecedents. The cigars are endowed with dark, lush, and unblemished Ecuador Sumatra wrappers, two finely aged Nicaragua binders- Corojo and Criollo- and fillers from three Garcia family estates. These cigars are big, bold, and thick. Just by their girth, they can impose an impression on those that recognize the big stogies. They are more full-bodied than the original My Father line, which is undoubtedly not mild smoke. Their smoke is powerful, strong, griping, and intense. But these are not the qualities that make them unique. They have interesting, complex flavors, all begging for attention- a justification for loads of tobacco in them.
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