Flor de Las Antillas Toro Grande represents “Flower of Antilles.” A reference to Cuba, the largest of Antilles Island, from which the Garcias originated, and their cigar-making history rooted to generations ensued. The award-winning cigars are hand rolled in the My Father cigar factory in Esteli, Nicaragua. The box-pressed blend features Nicaragua Sun-Grown wrappers, maximally aged Nicaraguan double binders, and long-fillers. The medium to full-bodied cigars also carries the signature spices of My Father brand. They have a creamy and zesty finish. The smoke is well-balanced and draws easily. Shop now for My Father Flor de Las Antillas Robusto cigars!
The My Father Cigars brand is a well-renowned brand with boutique cigars in its portfolio. All thanks to father and son Pepin and Jaime Garcia, their master blenders. The brand has won numerous awards, and several others have been highly rated. The Flor de Las Antillas is not left out. You’d have to taste this masterpiece to agree it’s deserving. Flor de Las Antillas is available in a handful of traditional sizes, which include Toro (6″ x 52), Belicoso (5 ½” x 52), Robusto (5″ x 50), Tubo (Toro) (6″ x 50), and Toro Grande (6″ x 60). This cigar blend is one of the best that has come out of My Cigar factory. Order your My Father Flor de Las Antillas Robusto box of 20 now!
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